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How Spanx Founder Sara Blakely Turned $5,000 Into a Billion-Dollar Undergarment Business

$ 7.50

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Sara Blakely was selling fax machines door-to-door when she had the idea for footless pantyhose. She describes at the <i>Inc.</i> Women's Summit how she patented her invention and landed her first deal with Neiman Marcus.

How Sara Blakely Created A Billion-Dollar Brand

Sara Blakely: Underwear entrepreneur

How Sara Blakely Turns $5,000 into $1 billion - Biz Epic

Spanx's Sara Blakely: Turning $5,000 into $1 billion with panties

Secrets Of Sara Blakely Founder Of Billion Dollar Business: Spanx

Female founders are crashing the billionaire club: Sara Blakely, Whitney Wolfe Herd, Anne Wojcicki

Beth Hocking on LinkedIn: Sara Blakely was 27 when she founded Spanx. Today it's worth $1.2 billion…

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Spanx's Sara Blakely: Turning $5,000 into $1 billion with panties

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