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The Bairds of Gartsherrie. Some notices of their origin and history . MHS JACKSON. THE BAIRDS OF GARTSHERRIE. 129 (1.) John, born 1862. (2.) Mary. (3.) Edith. (4.) Winifred Jane. There

Cassell's natural history. Animals; Animal behavior. NATVIiAL HISTORY. attaining a length of aliont tliirteen, the tail of about six inches. The body is of a g)-eyish-brown colour, marked along the back

Lophophorus impeyanus, Print, The Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus), also known as the Impeyan monal and Impeyan

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Betty Gow, who was nurse for Charles and Anne Lindbergh's baby on the night of the kidnapping, is ready to testify at the trail of Bruno Hauptmann on Jan. 3, 1935. Ms.


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