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Bouquet Amour précieux de Teleflora

$ 17.50

4.8 (675) In stock

Simply speaking, red means romance. Send this bouquet of vibrant red carnations to your sweetheart and you'll convey passion, energy and desire. Remember also that you're sending not one gift but two: gorgeous flowers and a colorful cube vase.

Unforgettable in every sense of the word! Make a dramatic impression with this ultrachic arrangement, featuring a modern organic shape, luxurious

Rich In Love Bouquet by Teleflora

Teleflora's Be Happy® Bouquet with Roses - Teleflora

Treasured And Beloved Bouquet - Teleflora

Bouquet Amour précieux de Teleflora

Fleuriste La Haye - Québec

Fleuriste La Haye - Québec

Fleuriste Italia (9592 Boulevard Saint-Michel) Floral Delivery - DoorDash

Bursting with pretty blossoms today, glowing with a votive candle later, this delightful sage green glass lantern is a glorious gift.

Teleflora's Pretty Blossoms Bouquet

Teleflora's Purple Perfection (T53-1A) in Chicago IL - Soukal Floral Co. & Greenhouses

Let the family know you are thinking of them with this beautiful sympathy bouquet by Teleflora. Available same day across Canada.

Teleflora's Love Everlasting Bouquet

Teleflora's Amethyst Sunrise Bouquet - Teleflora

Classic beauty and romance to spare, thanks to the graceful lines of a Couture Vase filled with stunning roses - the iconic flower of love. Like the

Cupid's Creation with Red Roses by Teleflora

Bouquet Marguerites enjouées de Teleflora