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Brandy Melville faces allegations of racism and body-shaming by former employees

$ 31.50

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Brandy Melville faces boycott, backlash after a popular TikTok user said that the brand was discriminatory in its hiring practices.
Brandy Melville faces boycott, backlash after a popular TikTok user said that the brand was discriminatory in its hiring practices.
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Kate Taylor on LinkedIn: Brandy Melville employees describe racism

TikTok user accuses Brandy Melville on racial discrimination, fat

What to Wear, or Who to Be?”: A Reflection on Brandy Melville's

What to Wear, or Who to Be?”: A Reflection on Brandy Melville's

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Brandy Melville Faces Allegations Of Racism And, 59% OFF

Brandy Melville Faces Allegations Of Racism And, 59% OFF

Brandy Melville Accused of Only Hiring Thin White Girls, Underage

broooo y'all ACTUALLY have to stop buying Brandy Melville