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Excel: If cell contains formula examples

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A number of 'Excel if cells contains' formula examples show how to return some value in another column if a target cell contains specific text, any text, any number or any value at all (not empty cell), test multiple criteria with OR as well as AND logic.

If cell contains - Excel formula

Check if a cell contains text (case-sensitive) - Microsoft Support

Excel Formulas, PDF, Microsoft Excel

If cell contains text then display in Excel


Excel If Cell Contains Formula Examples, PDF, String (Computer Science)

What exactly is VLOOKUP, PDF, Computer Programming

Check if a cell contains text (case-insensitive) - Microsoft Support

Excel formula: If cell contains - Excelchat

Excel Contains Function - javatpoint

How to change Excel table styles and remove table formatting

How to check if Excel cells contain partial text

Test if Cell Contains Specific Value - Automate Excel

MS Excel-If, PDF, Microsoft Excel

Range contains specific text - Excel formula