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Male or Female Nipple? You Aren't Supposed to Know

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Protest takes many forms, and for some 54,000 followers on Instagram, that form is the nipple. Only female nipples are banned on Instagram, and critics who see that as a double-standard
Instagram account founders challenge social media rules on female nudity

Genderless Nipples exposes Instagram's double standard on nudity

Puffy Nipple: Why Does It Happen to Some People? - Leif Rogers MD

Why do people have extra nipples?

Montana Politician Wants to Resurrect the 'Road Beer', by Newser

33 Old Wives' Tales for Predicting a Baby's Gender

Why are female nipples offensive, but male ones aren't? - Quora

There's a simple solution for prominent nipple problem in women

Free the Nipple? - The New York Times

Galactorrhea: lactation and nipple discharge causes and treatment

Why Are Women Expected to Keep Their Nipples Covered? - Washington