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The Renaissance Festival: A Journey Through Time – MythologieCandles

$ 15.99

4.6 (133) In stock

🏰Explore the enchanting world of Renaissance festivals, with historical reenactments, jousting tournaments, feasting, and immersive experiences. Discover how to keep the Renaissance spirit alive year-round with creative ideas.🎭
Step back in time and experience the magic of Renaissance festivals, where you'll find knights jousting, jesters entertaining, and artisans showcasing their crafts. Enjoy the ren faire vibes with Mythologie Candles! Embark on a journey through history that never has to end!
We make fantasy-inspired candles to tell your story. Made with all-natural coconut wax, crackling wooden wicks, and re-usable vessels, we help you create the ultimate fantasy ambiance in your castle! Fans of LOTR, GOT, Vikings, Outlander, The Witcher, Elder Scrolls, and RPGs LOVE our candles for an immersive experience

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