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What is the definition of 'business casual' dress code? Are jeans allowed or not allowed? Are there any exceptions, like on holidays or Fridays? - Quora

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What does 'business casual' mean? - Quora

What is the difference between formals and business casual dress code for men? - Quora

Does HPE have a dress code? - Quora

What are acceptable outfits for business casual and business attire? - Quora

What is the difference between a business casual dress code and a less professional dress code? - Quora

Can a female wear jeans to an interview? - Quora

What is the dress code for women in software companies? - Quora

The dress code in my office is business casual, but we're not allowed to wear shorts. What can I wear to stay cool during the summer? - Quora

In your experience, are office dress codes more lenient toward women or men? - Quora

Are Jeans Business Casual? 4 Tips for Wearing Jeans to Work

What are some general guidelines for knowing when it is appropriate to show up to work in jeans instead of business casual clothes? - Quora

What is considered business casual or casual Friday attire? - Quora

What is your company dress code? - Quora