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Prevalence of prediabetes (i-IFG, i-IGT or combined IFG+IGT) in the

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Assessing impaired fasting blood glucose criteria for high-risk dysglycaemic populations: an experience from a European population state

Benefit of lifestyle-based T2DM prevention is influenced by prediabetes phenotype

Estimated cumulative risk of progression from IFG or IGT to diabetes in

Frontiers Evidence From a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Classical Impaired Glucose Tolerance Should Be Divided Into Subgroups of Isolated Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Impaired Glucose Tolerance Combined With Impaired Fasting Glucose

Kernel densities for 2 h glucose in mmol/l per study region stratified

pre-diabetes (IFG and IGT) - Australian Diabetes Council

Toward targeted prevention: risk factors for prediabetes defined by impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance and increased HbA1c in the population-based KORA study from Germany

Frontiers Cost-effectiveness of two screening strategies based on Chinese diabetes risk score for pre-diabetes in China

Nutrients, Free Full-Text