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Suit Seeks to Block N.C.A.A. Limits on Athletic Donors - The New York Times

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How Rich Donors and Loose Rules Are Transforming College Sports - The New York Times

The Best Teams That Money Could Buy - The New York Times

NCAA, coalition of states ask court to let multiple-transfer athletes play through spring

Being More Like Athletic Bilbao - The New York Times, athletic

The Scandal of NCAA College Sports - The Atlantic

Suit Seeks to Block N.C.A.A. Limits on Athletic Donors - The New

N.C.A.A. Proposes Uncapping Compensation for Athletes - The New York Times

Opinion The N.C.A.A. Is Still Legalized Exploitation, Even If Players Are Making Money - The New York Times

N.C.A.A. Investigates Booster Club Funding for College Sports - The New York Times

The D.N.C. Has a Primary Problem - The New York Times