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Plot of dD vs. d 18 O showing stable isotopes of Nicaraguan thermal

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Download scientific diagram | Plot of dD vs. d 18 O showing stable isotopes of Nicaraguan thermal waters (Monte Galan, San Francisco Libre, Telica, Tipitapa, Cosegü ina, and San Jacinto) and vapor condensates (Mombacho and Momotombo). Data points form an evaporation trend (thin solid line; slope = 3.6, r 2 = 0.98) departing from the meteoric water line (MWL; Craig, 1961). Momotombo may alternately be derived from water–rock interaction by water from Lake Managua (X, dashed line). Also plotted are Momotombo vapor condensate measurements from 1983 (Allard, 1983) to 1982 (Menyailov et al., 1986). Symbols: MG, Monte Galan; SF, San Francisco Libre; TE, Telica; TI, Tipitapa; CO, Cosegü ina; SJ, San Jacinto; MB, Mombacho; and MM, Momotombo.   from publication: Tracing nitrogen in volcanic and geothermal volatiles from the Nicaragua volcanic front | We report new chemical and isotopic data from 26 volcanic and geothermal gases, vapor condensates, and thermal water samples, collected along the Nicaraguan volcanic front. The samples were analyzed for chemical abundances and stable isotope compositions, with a focus on | Geothermal, Nitrogen and Nicaragua | ResearchGate, the professional network for scientists.

Plot of dD vs. d 18 O showing stable isotopes of Nicaraguan thermal

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Plot of dD vs. d 18 O showing stable isotopes of Nicaraguan thermal